It is a priority for many car makers to design vehicles that are the safest possible and provide protection to the occupants. This can be all for naught, if the driver of the vehicle insists on participating in distracting driving…
Most people in Toronto, Ontario, want to do everything they can to prevent motor vehicle accidents from occurring. While there are some things, such as driving sober and the right speed for the circumstances, that involve the actions of the…
As the weather in Ottawa starts to change, residents should bear in mind winter weather presents driving challenges that don’t exist other times of the year. In some situations these challenges could lead to motor vehicle accidents occurring. Being prepared…
Most parents in Ottawa will do whatever it takes to keep their children safe while in a vehicle. What that entails will vary depending on the age of the child. For teenagers who have their driver’s licence, the type of…
With so many vehicles on Toronto area roads it is seemingly inevitable that car accidents will occur. When they do, the outcome can be devastating injuries. Sometimes those injuries are so severe that they result death. While this is a…