There are many situations where you may be asked to agree to be appointed a Power of Attorney for Property. The most common would be for an elderly parent, grandparent or other relative. This role of attorney for property should…
Many people are capable of working well into their senior years. Elder law in Ontario — as in many places in Canada — has done away with a mandatory retirement age. In fact, it has been construed as being discriminatory….
A common problem that we see today is when two or more people own a home and one of them refuses to sell. Whether it is in the context of an estate or family dispute, often the party who refuses…
Have you heard of an Estate Trustee During Litigation (“ETDL”)? In instances where the validity of a Will is being challenged, the estate trustee appointed under the terms of the Will has no authority to preserve or manage the estate….
Virtually everyone postpones writing a will. Maybe because it is a tangible reminder of our mortality or perhaps it is difficult to decide to whom to give the property that we worked so hard to acquire during our lives. Whatever…
Some elderly individuals, before they die, may wish to transfer money, real property or other assets to their children, or other relatives, as gifts. However, these kinds of transfers come at a risk. There are often disputes among family members…